5410SE - Chem-Tech™ Neoprene over Latex Gloves Yellow Flock Lined Latex Dipped in Blue Neoprene 20 mil Thickness 12 Inch Length Component materials comply with all federal regulations for food contact


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Neoprene over Latex Gloves
Yellow Flock Lined Latex
Dipped in Blue Neoprene
20 mil Thickness
12 Inch Length

Component materials comply with
all federal regulations for food contact

Chem-Tech™ gloves offer the protection you've come to expect from latex gloves and neoprene gloves rolled into one hard-working glove. This glove features a yellow flock-lined latex glove dipped in rugged blue neoprene for double protection. The 5410E is 20 mils in thick and measures 12 inches in length. It has a raised diamond grip pattern on the palm, palm side fingers, and thumb, increasing griping power. Other features include a straight cuff and straight thumb. Are you looking for the best flock-lined gloves? Look no further than newbb电子平台 Safety!

This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reaction to those with latex allergies.

Available Products, Variants, and SpecSheets

Performance & Technical Specifications

Chem Tech
CA Prop 65 Statement:
Type C
Mil Thickness:
20 mil
Primary Polymer Coating:
Glove Size: